Cobargo Public School Workshop

Cobargo, NSW (2020)

In March 2020, PCPA undertook a week-long photography workshop with students at Cobargo Public School.

The second week of the workshop was cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic restrictions that came into effect.

During the first week, students in kindergarten to year six were given digital cameras and even to use, with some students having the opportunity to take a field trip to Cobargo town to make photographs.

Copies of the digital photographs were shared with the school for their archives.

Project Aims:

  • Engage students with digital photography

  • Encourage positive experiences and joy though making photographs

  • Engage students in visual storytelling

  • Give students a fun and new activity

Project Outcomes:

  • Students enjoyed being introduced to photography

  • Photography allowed students to photograph their own environment after the bushfires

  • Photographic record of students’ experiences

  • Positive experiences for students with visual art and new artists


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